
Word or phrase                                       Example                                       Meaning

acting the maggot           He was just acting the maggot as usual        Behaving foolishly, annoyingly

bags                                   He made a bags of doing it                        Messy inadequate job (see hames)

banjaxed                            It was banjaxed beyond all help                 Broken, can also mean tired

bold                                  You are a very bold boy                              Naughty

crack, craic                      We had great craic that night                  Hard to translate, roughly meaning fun

culchies                      The culchies were all over the place     Rural people, usually used disparagingly 

cute hoor                        I always knew he was a cute hoor      Untrustworthy male person, (a politician)

desperate                     The place is in a desperate state                  Bad, needing attention

drawers                       Her drawers were the size of Cork              Knickers, panties

eat the head off              I'll eat the head off her                               Attack verbally

eejit                                  You're a right eejit                                  Idiot, fool

fair play                                Fair play to you                       Indicates approval of someone's actions or

feck                        Feck off, fecking thing, feck-all                Polite(-ish) version of other F word

fella                           Come here young fella                         Male person, also used for boyfriend

flitters                      The dog left the shirt in flitters                         Tatters

fluthered                       He was fluthered again                                  Drunk

foostering                      Just foostering about                          Not getting much done, fussing

full shilling                    He's not the full shilling                            Mentally competent

gas                                 We had a bit of gas that day                          Fun, enjoyment

giving out             The teacher was always giving out to the class              Scolding.

gob                              He never shuts his gob                                             Mouth

gobdaw                      That fella's a right gobdaw                                      Fool, idiot

gom                               You're just acting the gom                                     Fool, idiot

guff                           Don't give me any of your guff                                Idle talk or excuses

gur                                He's been on gur since Saturday            Staying away from home, usually a child

hames                       You made a terrible hames of that                      Messy inadequate job (see bags)

header                          Keep away from that header                                Mentally unstable person

holliers                       Two weeks holliers for me                                    Holidays, vacation time

holy show                 You made a holy show of yourself                                     Spectacle

hop                           He's been on the hop since Tuesday                          Playing truant from school

horse's hoof                 That's a bit of a horse's hoof I think                            Spoof, exaggerated story

hump off                            Would you ever hump off?                                  Go away, leave me alone

jackeens                  The jackeens think they're smart                Dublin person, usually used disparagingly
by culchies 

jacks                                  I'm just off to the jacks                                              Toilet, restroom

jaded                              We're all jaded after it                                                  Tired, exhausted

kibosh                             He put the kibosh on it                   Added the last straw, completely banjaxed

langered/Langers                We were all langers                                                 Drunk

letting on                           I was just letting on                                                        Pretending

mary Hick                             That dress is really Mary Hick                         Unfashionable, drab

messages                           I have to get the messages                                             Groceries

mooching                            He's mooching again for money                            Sponging, almost begging

mot                                           Have you got a mot?                                               Girlfriend

one                                       Some oul' one told her                                                Female person

pictures                               Want to come to the pictures?                                       Movies, Cinema

puck                                      He got a puck in the gob                                              Sharp blow

puss                                     She'd a right puss on her                                            Face, usually sulky

reddener                           She took a reddener when she saw him                         Blush (see Scarlet)

reef                                         I'll reef him when I see him                                   Attack, non-verbal

scarlet                                   I'm scarlet for you                        Blushing, often in sympathy with a friend's reddener

Scratcher                                     He's always in the scratcher                                          Bed

Scrawbed                                   Her face was all scrawbed                         Scratched by fingernails

Shook                                          He was very shook looking                                 Pale, ill, scared

Slagging                                       I'm only slagging you                         Making fun of someone, generally

Sleeveen                                      She's a bit of a sleeveen                                 Sly person, calculating

Stocious                                       He was stocious this evening                                   Drunk